Step 1

Log in to Google+ and create a new circle called “VIP” or “Favorites.”

Step 2

Add people to your Favorites circle. You can also do this in Step 1.

For me, my Favorites circle is a combination of the colleagues, friends and family whom I’m most interested in. For this reason, a simple Family, or Friends circle doesn’t really suffice.

Step 3

Pull up your Favorites circle in your stream. Now, Bookmark the URL for that circle. Use this as your bookmark for Google+, effectively changing your “default” stream to one that’s a bit more relevant and intimate.

I don’t know about you, but for me, this subtle tweak makes me enjoy Google+ much, much more. I stopped using Twitter long ago because there’s just too much noise-to-signal ratio—though that’s my own dang fault for following so many people. But the way, I have Google+ set up, I get my inner circle most of the time, but if I feel like getting my fill of celebrity deep thoughts or cool link recommendations, I can just view my full stream.   [Image adapted from lolololori] I think the problem is Google+ is having a hard dealing with the POST/UPDATE with the discussion. So far, the typical “Forum” like what I have here – is hard to beat…. Comment Name * Email *

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